Monday, April 2, 2007

Rocky Top?

When I was growing up, the big question was "Alabama or Auburn?". Since I started my existence on this glorious planet on the Left Coast, I threw folks by responding "UCLA". As I got older and understood what the Alabama - Auburn rivalry meant, I became aware that there was also the Alabama - Tennessee rivalry. Last night I shocked myself.

I was channel surfing during a commercial - as I always do - and remembered that the NCAA Women's Semi-finals were being broadcast on ESPN. I flipped over, and discovered that the UNC - Tennessee game has just started. I decided I was going to watch, just because I have this thing about dynasties in sports that interest me. Case in point - Coach Pat Summitt (

One of the ESPN commentators made the remark that Pat Summitt would most probably reach 1000 wins before she reaches 200 losses. I checked her website, and after last night's win versus UNC, she now has a record of 913 wins and 177 losses - that's 83.8 %! This does not include her international W-L record (63-4). Add this in, and she's 976-181. Amazing when you consider the winningest coach in NCAA history was UNC's men's basketball coach Dean Smith (879-254 when he retired in 1997). Damn, it makes me proud to be a woman!!!

Anyway, I watched the game as silently as I could, so not to wake my slumbering spouse, realizing that every tick of the clock was another milestone in Coach Summitt's history making career. When the final buzzer sounded, I found myself doing something my Alabama friends would find insulting... I was singing "Rocky Top".

As I patiently await the women's National Championship game on Tueasday night (CBS @ 8:30 PM EST), I'll remember it's OK to root for Tennessee against Rutgers. It would be nice to see Pat Summitt raise Championship Banner #7.

Until August, that is. My blood does run Crimson and White, ya' know.

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