Thursday, July 12, 2007

Flying The "Un"friendly Skies

Since I didn't get a chance to watch the evening news tonight, I've taken to watching a lot of the stories on-line. I'm scrolling tonight, and I come across this story. I'm a mommy, so a story that has a headline of "Mom and Chatty Toddler Kicked Off Flight" is an invitation that screams "READ ME NOW!!!"

The toddler in question is 19-months old. Jilly is 18 months old (as of today - Happy Birthday, Bear!!). I can understand what a mother traveling with a small child is going through. I'm sure that she was doing the best that she could under the circumstances, and to get on a flight with a stewardess that has a police-type attitude is probably the last thing this mother needed.

The most interesting thing about the whole she-bang is that Continental Airlines has done nothing to suspend the attendant during this investigation. Even with as many witnesses as the mother has - particularly the gentleman that the attendant leaned over to tell her that she needed to shut her toddler up - this woman is still "flying the friendly skies".

Many of the individuals that become attendants do so for the "glamour" of the job, not for providing assistance to those traveling. Too bad for those of us that fly.

I guess that this is just another reason the American Public - yes, that's you Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public - should hold those individuals within the service industry more accountable in their position.

Maybe the flight attendant should have removed herself from the flight. That probably would have made everyone's day a little bit brighter.


Alexandra said...

I totally agree with you. I just found your Blog through Puntabulous. I've been reading some of your older Posts as well. I will definitely become a loyal reader of yours.

Chickymama said...

Thanks very much, Alexandra! I'm not as funny or witty as Puntabulous, but I have my moments - My Mommy Moments! Hopefully I won't disappoint in the future.
