After the girls were in bed last night, I tried to gather all of the crayons that were strewn about the TV room and wrangle them into the red bucket. The whole "best layed plans of mice and men" sort of thing. I thought I was doing a good thing by picking-up after the girls so that it would be one less thing I would have to do in the morning.
I was in the laundry room. Emmy was downstairs having a teaparty with Smoovdah, Elizabeth & Panda. Jilly was in the TV room. It was quiet... Too quiet to be comfortable. I go into the TV room, and get treated to this sight...
I shouldn't be mad at Jilly, I should be mad at myself for not picking-up all of the crayons. She's just being little and exhibiting her inner artistry, so I figured that I'd at least leave it on the wall until Adam gets home tonight from work. After that, out comes the Magic Eraser and there goes Jilly's masterpiece.
Although I could leave it there for a while. Emm'y wall art is still a fixture in the TV room, and it hasn't gotten a scrubbing... yet...