Sunday, May 6, 2007

Poor Baby

I am so sick of this Paris Hilton crap that's plastered all over the media right now. Who the hell cares this poor little rich girl got pulled over and issued a DWI, then got her driver's license suspended, then failed to show for several court dates, then showed up for the last date 10 minutes late?!?!?!

Who cares that this poor little rich girl probably wipes her ass with hundred dollar bills every time she takes a dump in her golden toilet? It's no skin off my nose!

Who the hell cares if she's famous? She infamous, if you ask me.

Should this trollop be considered a role model for young girls? Hell, no!

Why does society want to hold such an individual to god-like standards? Who the hell cares!

Get over it, America! This little snot-nosed brat isn't any better than the rest of us! Just because her family has more money than God doesn't mean we should try to be like her, want to be like her, or even dream to be like her.

So, shut the hell up, Paris! Tell your "fanz" to put the ix-nay on the petitions to Arnold, and show up for your time. Maybe 45 days in jail will put a little meat on your anorexic bones and slap some sense into your over-processed head.

Put on your big girl panties, and deal with it. That's what the rest of the real world does, bitch!

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