Friday, May 18, 2007

Meet The New Neighbors

We've lived in this house for just over 6 years, and we've been lucky enough to have the same fabulous neighbors the entire time. That was until about six weeks ago when a "For Sale" sign went up in Cheryl's front yard.

The couple that was originally slated to purchase Cheryl's house ended up not buying it because the builder never ordered the cabinets for the kitchen, and it was going to push back their closing an additional six weeks than what they were originally told. Long story short, they had - at the time - one-year-old triplets, and were not too happy about having to wait longer to get into a new house. In the end, their misfortune was our gain. We were sent Cheryl and her two boys.

Not going into too much detail, she was newly divorced with two boys, ages 9 and 7. Over the years, we've watched over each other's homes, cared for each other's pets, laughed, cried, and had two babies. Being the child of divorced parents, I knew what Cheryl's boys were going through. Many afternoons, she would talk and I would listen. I knew that she didn't need someone to give her a lecture, but someone to listen whilst she vented.

Anyway, about a week before Spring Break, I came home from picking up Emmy from school, and there was the sign. We talked a couple of times about it, and she told me that since the boys were getting older, it has getting more and more difficult traveling. Ryan (almost 15 - yikes!)had played JV football this year and was more than likely going to play Varsity next year. Sean (running head-on into teenage years) was getting more involved in music and other after school activities. She had been tossing the idea around about moving, but finally decided it was the best thing to do.

Her house was on the market for about a month, and I was curious to find out what our new neighbors would be like. Our landscaper, Scott, told me that it was a young couple with a two-year-old, and they seemed like nice people. Cheryl had also mentioned this to me, and that they would be closing the end of April and would probably move in that next weekend. So, I watched the house for a moving van, and waited.

We were sitting at the table, eating a very late dinner after EmmBug's recital, when I saw lots of lights and cars slowing down in front of our house. I snuck a peek out the front window, and there was the moving truck - along with three or four other cars/trucks/vans with lots of stuff. Here were our New Neighbors.

They've been in their house now for about two weeks, and we've waved several times either going to or coming from the mailbox, but tonight, we finally got to meet Chad, Stacy and Liam. I was on the phone with Kimmie, and Emmy came running upstairs - "Mommy, our New Neighbors are here. Come on, you have to meet them. Daddy's outside right now with them!" Ah, the enthusiasm of a four-year-old. We talked for about an hour or so, and the kids ran up and down the driveway and sidewalk.

Welcome to the neighborhood, folks. We hope you like it - and our nieghbors - as much as we do!

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